The Copyright Hub was formed following the recommendations of Richard Hooper and Dr Ros Lynch in their report ‘Copyright Works’; which built upon the Hargreaves review ‘Digital Opportunity: a review of intellectual property and growth’, for the British Government. Their recommendations were accepted by the government and the creative industries who have funded the work of the Copyright Hub over the past three years.
Since then The Copyright Hub has developed as a source of information about copyright, through its website at It has also become a valuable industry forum through its various working groups and boards.
The biggest piece of work has been development of the technology which allows copyright to work the way the internet works, using the native capabilities of internet technology. Working in partnership with the Digital Catapult we have taken on an ambitious project to create a new capability for the internet which can be freely adopted by anybody.
The technological heart of the Copyright Hub is a deceptively simple idea conceived by the CEO of the Copyright Hub, Dominic Young. The idea builds on the architecture, technical standards and vision of the Linked Content Coalition and on the model of the internet itself. You can learn more about how it works on this site below.
We are non-profit and rely on the support of the Creative Industries and others, together we are working to ensure that copyright is done right.
Learn more about the history of The Copyright Hub HERE.